When it comes to good nutrition, your life literally depends on it. Food consumption is a key factor in 45%-50% of deaths caused by stroke, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes. That’s a very sad truth that doesn’t have to be. It’s all about a choice. Being well nourished and properly hydrated will help you feel better, look better, and live longer! So eat those well rounded meals, use supplements, and drink water!
Let's be honest here. Most gym guys have a love hate relationship with leg day if they bother doing legs at all. From what I've seen at local gyms over years, women tend to do legs more consistently than most of the fellas. Leg day is a day you don't want to skip. From building a muscular physique to dropping body fat, to shaping and toning the legs, glutes, and hamstrings; leg day should be the foundation of everyone's exercise program.
I’ve heard many anecdotes over the years, locker room talk if you will, in which women have approached men with an impressive set of guns and ask to touch them before even asking for their name. Some tell stories of a woman copping a feel WITHOUT asking, and apologizing afterwards. Even little kids have a fascination with muscular well-shaped arms.
A well-shaped muscular chest is the desire of many. Some may have an idea about how to build a nice chest, while others may be completely clueless. This article will serve as a guide to get you started with the chest gains. We'll go over some exercises to help build muscle in the chest area.
Having clear defined abs is a goal for many when starting their fitness journey. Some may not want to have clear defined abs but would still like to have a flat stomach. There's a ton of information out there about how to attain these goals. Some of the information is useful and some of the information is completely off and no help at all. This article will provide you with the basic information needed to get those defined abs or flat stomach.