The day has come. Yup, it’s here. And I am not talking about spring/summer. Nor I am talking about the day all humans become zombies and I retreat to Atlanta. I am talking about the day where this column discusses one of the spirits I swore off years ago. Man. Who would have thought that I would writing a column on booze, about booze and better ways to try such booze? Not me but here we are. And given that fact, I cannot gloss over certain liquors given my history or lack of enthusiasm. I should, must and will write about them all. So, the day has come…let’s talk about gin.

Spring! Is that you? Perhaps. Maybe. According to the calendar, yes. But with this weather and some form of global warming it’s hard to tell. However, the months that encompass spring and summer are upon us which bring warmer temps. And BBQs. And beach weather. And cool drinks. If you are like me, that still means wine [wine all year around for me] and what a better way to break the habit of red wine than with white wine.

Today is a very special day given it is birthday of the Founder/CEO of Virile! While he likes to be behind the scenes and somewhat anonymous [hence the reason I am not giving out his government name], it is a joyous day and one that needs to be celebrated. This website would not exist if not for his creativity and ideation of making it a reality.

Brrrr! Man, winter is upon us and it has been cold outside. When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing like being inside where it’s warm and relaxing with the perfect cold weather spirit. And that’s where my favorite brown liquor comes into focus. That’s right, cognac. Not only perfect for the BBQ or Sunday fish fry but when done right and with the right offering, cognac can enhance those chilly nights by the fireplace. Let’s discuss.

The cocktail is back. The delicate balance of spirits and builders has rejuvenated all around us. Complex libations crafted by your favorite bartender have resurged. We aren't reliving the simple one-two punches: the rum and cokes or the vodka sodas which previously solidified their places in American bars and restaurants. Instead, the rebirth of classic cocktails is enjoying its intricate position atop the patron’s “most-wanted" list.

Where to begin? Well, it starts back to the days of watching my father order up drinks on family outings. Beer and a side car of vodka. I knew he enjoyed beer but I never knew why he asked for the shot of clear liquid. There was just something about seeing it in the small glass that intrigued me.

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