Shana Swain
Dating and romance have changed in today's world. When people search for companionship, often times their search begins online. With social dating sites, it's commonplace to arrange meetings in Cyberland without actually meeting the person in real life. But, is this real life now as we know it? Or is there still a place in society where it's encouraged to find romance and partnerships without a dating site?
She is beautiful. She’s fly. Her convo is smart, she laughs at your jokes. You think there is a real connection. You want to know/see/feel more. You decide it is time to capitalize on this encounter. You shake the jitters to the floor, and pose your question: “would you like to go out sometime?”
The cocktail is back. The delicate balance of spirits and builders has rejuvenated all around us. Complex libations crafted by your favorite bartender have resurged. We aren't reliving the simple one-two punches: the rum and cokes or the vodka sodas which previously solidified their places in American bars and restaurants. Instead, the rebirth of classic cocktails is enjoying its intricate position atop the patron’s “most-wanted" list.